Daddy and Nana flew in back from Texas and we have been nonstop ever since! It has been so much fun! The other day we decided to go to Golden Gate Park again, this time with Nana. We were going specifically to let the girls ride their awesome carousel but unfortunately it is closed until Memorial Day! So instead, we walked around the trails, let the girls run crazy for a while. fed them lunch on the park benches, and listened to a crazy, homeless guy yell at people walking by and talk to his imaginary friend about Panama and a guy named Dan. Haha! Good times. Here are some pictures I took from our trip and also of the girls modeling some crocheted hats that my friend made them. She'll be opening a shop on Etsy soon! Since we were in the park already, we decided to go into the Conservatory of Flowers since I knew Travis wouldn't want to take me because flowers aren't really his thing. It was beautiful inside! Very hard at times with two toddlers squirming in your arms, trying to take pictures, and no strollers allowed inside. The girls seemed to enjoy it though. The lily pads were my favoirte and of course all of the orchids.
the twins look way too adorable in those little outfits. i can't wait to visit texas again too.