Last weekend we ventured out to Hollister, CA which is about an hour and a half away south of us to the Renaissance Fair for some fun. It was a beautiful, hot day and although crowded, we had a good time. Here are some quick, cell phone pictures from our trip. The girls of course got lots of attention as always....I don't know if it is the fact that they are twins and dressed alike or what but we always get stopped as everyone wants to talk to them. Kourtney is of course super friendly all the time while Presley is a little bit more on the shy side. These nice ladies let the girls play with their bass and sung songs to them and they loved it. Some knight gave them treasure from his knapsack and we bought them some singing birdie whistles where you dip them in water and blow into them. I will have to post a video of them later, Kourtney also made a friend--a little girl that was almost 2 and she was dressed all up in her long dress and hair piece. Kourtney of course told her: "I likey your shoes!" and "I likey your dress!" and they quickly become friends in the basket room haha! They all played on drums for a bit and then she gave her a hug as we went our separate ways. So cute. She is just a little social butterfly that loves everyone and makes friends everywhere. She also made friends later on in the day with a little special needs boy that was in a wheelchair. She went up to him and patted him on his leg and told him: "Hi!" with just the biggest smile. The mom turned to me and explained that he is special needs and that he will never be in a mindset other than a baby with babbling and blowing raspberries and such and that she might be confused by his behavior. I told her I didn't think that it would and Kourtney quickly showed her that she didn't care--she just wanted to be his friend. She's so sweet and has the sweetest little heart ever. Other than that we ate some good food, watched some jousting and fencing, and walked around and took it all in. Although it wasn't nearly as good as the Dicken's Fair which we definitely will be going back to, we all had a great time!

Here are some videos I managed to take-- one is of the ladies showing the girls how to play their bass, the girls playing on the drums in the basket room, and some fencing that I thought was cool. And the last one is the ruckus everyone made as the Queen walked around. Haha!
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